Dr. Fred A Day With Dr. Fred


Dr. Fred visited Roy Cloud School and North Star Academy in Redwood City, CA in February 1999.

Roy Cloud picture

To discuss this visit from the organizer's point of view, please contact Diane Heditsian. Her letter of recommendation follows:

Dear Educator,

Dr. Fred took part in Roy Cloud School's Author/illustrator program recently, presenting to our 6-8th graders. Dr. Fred cares! He cares about the quality of his presentation, he cares about the students and he cares about the material he presents. His invitation to students to have a "virtual" visit with him at his web site prior to his school visit. His excitement on the day of the visit. The "Dr. Fred" bookmark mementos he leaves with the students. Each of these points up the fact that Dr. Fred cares! Feel free to contact me if you'd like more information about Dr. Fred's visit. I'd be pleased to talk with you at communications@deClarity.com.

Diane Heditsian
Parent Coordinator
Roy Cloud School
Redwood City, CA
Author/Illustrator Program
Text copyright 1999 by Alfred B. Bortz, all rights reserved

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